Penulis memperkenalkan iwebtool yang berguna bagi para blogger untuk menganalisa blog / website nya. Analisa sebuah blog / website di perlukan guna meningkatkan page rank, mudah terindex oleh search engine yang berguna dalam bisnis online dan program affiliasi.
Iwebtool menurut penulis hampir semacam SEO tool. Di sana terdapat berbagai macam analisa tool / chekker, seperti misalnya backlink checker, pagerank checker, keyword density checker, broken link checker dan sebagainya.Sehingga dengan analisa tersebut sobat bisa mengetahui bagaimana kondisi blog / website yang sobat miliki.
Iwebtool merupakan webtool / SEO tool yang memberi pelayanan dalam menganalisa :
- Analisa Search Engine ( backlink checker,page rank checker dan sebagainya )
- Domain Checkups ( broken link checker,IP location dan sebagainya )
- Miscellaneous (anonymous emailer,google adsense calculator dan sebagainya )
- HTML ( HTML optimizer,meta-tag generator dan sebagainya )
- unlimited earning potensial!
- Access to unique advertising campaigns!
- Track your stats in real time!
- Individual support to maximise potential!
- Payout sent upon request!
Penjelasan affiliate program iwebtool
How much can I make being an iWEBTOL Affiliate member?
There is no limit on how much you can make from being an iWEBTOOL Affiliate. The amount you make depends upon the quantity of the traffic you refer to iWEBTOOL.
When are payments sent out?There is no limit on how much you can make from being an iWEBTOOL Affiliate. The amount you make depends upon the quantity of the traffic you refer to iWEBTOOL.
Payments or payouts are sent out upon customer request. You can only request a payout if you have reached $100 USD or more. We will only send payment via PayPal so ensure you have a PayPal account.
What is the minimum payout sent?
The minimum payout to be sent out via Paypal is $100 USD. This payment will be sent to the customer upon request.
The minimum payout to be sent out via Paypal is $100 USD. This payment will be sent to the customer upon request.
What are the requirements to join of the affiliate program?
We require all our affiliate members to have a PayPal account. This is used to send out payments when it is requested.
We require all our affiliate members to have a PayPal account. This is used to send out payments when it is requested.
How do I become an affiliate user?
It's simple, all you have to do is register for an iWEBTOOL account here. As an iWEBTOOL member you will have full access to all our services including Affiliate Program. Once you have registered simply login and click on "Affiliate Program".
From what services would I receive my 30% commission?
Any referred traffic that results as a potential customer purchasing from any of our services will earn you 30% of the initial payment. For the mean time we only allow the following services for the affiliate program:
It's simple, all you have to do is register for an iWEBTOOL account here. As an iWEBTOOL member you will have full access to all our services including Affiliate Program. Once you have registered simply login and click on "Affiliate Program".
From what services would I receive my 30% commission?
Any referred traffic that results as a potential customer purchasing from any of our services will earn you 30% of the initial payment. For the mean time we only allow the following services for the affiliate program:
- Web Directory - 1 Directory Listing is $9.95 which you earn $2.99 from it.
Bila sobat tertarik akan program affiliasi iwebtool untuk menambah income pundi - pundi dollarnya silahkan kunjungi / mendaftar di iwebtool atau klik disini
Semoga tips dalam menganalisa blog / website berguna bagi sobat sekalian.... dan sukses selalu dalam program affiliasinya. Bilamana ada masukan atau tambahan bagi yang sudah berpengalaman / master nya silahkan saja guna untuk kebaikan bersama ( saling berbagi )
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